By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – Legendary heroes with extraordinary powers probably exist in every culture of the world, originally emerging from folktales, religion, or stories about real individuals who have over time been transformed into symbols of bravery, righteousness and determination. They fight evil and protect their people in times of need, subjugation and devastating calamities. So, it’s not all …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – The San Antonio Film Festival is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It’s a big milestone for you personally. It’s very exciting! Yet it doesn’t feel like 25 years. I started this one when I was 22 and I still feel 20-ish (laughs), but very grateful and thankful. You saw our volunteers at work (in …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – The cinematic showcase that film enthusiast and teacher, Adam Rocha, singlehandedly started twenty-five years ago is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, much bigger and better, with Hollywood celebrities attending, but still friendly and accessible to all, as the founder wanted it to be. It opens July 31 and runs through Aug. 4, with most …
By DF Salvador, Contributor It’s not every day that a band’s bio page includes stories of failing as a preacher or of being a suspect in a murder. But Brother Roscoe is no every day band. The three original band members, who go by Tip, Hawk, and Preach, come with their individual legends, and while there may be more myth …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – “I have been writing my whole life and I believe that writing is larger than the writer. It should be a journey of discovery for the writer,” says Andre Dubus III, the author of “The House of Sand and Fog” and six other books. The award-winning novelist and memoirist will be in San Antonio this …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – If it’s July, it’s time for the Cactus Pear Music Festival in San Antonio. As always, the 2019 edition, “Romancing the Notes,” offers chamber music treats in four main-stage programs, in four cities, featuring 16 highly accomplished artists. But the big news this year is that founder and artistic director Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio is planning to …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – San Antonio playwright and actor Derek Berlin woke up one morning with a clear sense that he should write about Edgar Allan Poe. “I follow my instincts, I allow things to come to me,” said Berlin, who proceeded to do just that – write a one-man show about the legendary author’s life. Titled “An Evening …
IINTERVIEW EXPRESS is a new feature of ARTS ALIVE SAN ANTONIO. For this inaugural interview we spoke with Kelly Hilliard Roush, the executive/artistic director of the Classic Theater of San Antonio Are you glad that the 2018-19 season is over and done? Yes, I am glad that it’s over and that it was so successful. I hate to see it …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – Actress/singer Reagan Wilson has always wanted to play a Disney princess, said the Woodlawn Theater’s artistic director Chris Rodriguez. And he has finally given her that opportunity – well, almost! Wilson is portraying Belle in the Woodlawn’s production of “Beauty and the Beast,” which is based on Disney’s eponymous animated film that has charmed millions …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor – Every first Friday of the month, the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center presents the lively music-and-dance program called “Celebrando Tradiciones,” but this week, in honor of the 4th of July, it is offering something special: “Historias y Recuerdos – A Mexican-American Story.” This unique production “pays homage to the Mexican-American voice of San Antonio’s Westside by …