Interview Express: Kelly Hilliard Roush
IINTERVIEW EXPRESS is a new feature of ARTS ALIVE SAN ANTONIO. For this inaugural interview we spoke with Kelly Hilliard Roush, the executive/artistic director of the Classic Theater of San Antonio
Are you glad that the 2018-19 season is over and done?
Yes, I am glad that it’s over and that it was so successful. I hate to see
it go but it’s like all good plays, you enjoy doing them and then when they are
finished, you look forward to the next one.
What was the most popular show of the season?
I would say, “Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberly.” We had full houses and had to extend the run. And people were already asking about the return of the show for this year.

It’s summer, vacation time. What’s your idea of a great
My idea of a great vacation is sitting on a beach in Greece and having a
really good book to read, and a lot of quiet time.
If you were the mayor of San Antonio, what issue would be
your priority?
Oh, I don’t want to be mayor of San Antonio! It’s a big job… such a big job!
(Hesitates) I think right now I would be very much on board with where a lot of
conversations are going regarding economic equity in San Antonio. Equity is
different than equality. What is equitable is that some who got much less in
the past should get more in the present to give them a boost. It’s also a big
conversation in the arts. There are so many small nonprofits that work so hard
but it’s harder to hear their voices. I appreciate the city’s Department of Arts
and Culture that is engaging us in this conversation: how do we support all organizations,
not just the big ones.
Another issue would be: How do we keep San Antonio livable as we grow? How do we build the infrastructure?
What is your favorite SA restaurant?
Right now, Clementine is my absolute
favorite. It reminds me of Minneapolis, small and funky. And anything by Jason
Dady, like Tre Trattoria, near SAMA (San Antonio Museum of Art).
Do you go to other theaters to see their shows?
I try to go as much as I can. I don’t get to see everything due to my
schedule but I just saw something at the Vex and at the Public… I try to see
all the good work.
Who is your favorite literary heroine?
Elizabeth Bennet (from “Pride and Prejudice.”) She’s smart, she’s witty,
she’s unconventional.
Are you like her in any way?
I would like to think so, but I may be more like Mr. Darcy. I am not sure. (laughs) You will have to ask someone who knows me.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
What a great question!… As an
actress the best advice I got was: “Allow yourself to be more of a human being,
learn, grow, have experiences. The more you do it, the more you have to bring
to your characters and to telling truth on stage.”
Which place in the world would you most like to visit?
Right now, it is Spain. That’s a place that has become a dream. I have traveled
a fair amount but have never been in Spain.
Do you have a life philosophy, a principle, that you live
Be kind and be authentic.
What are you most looking forward to?
A beach vacation in August. (In Florida, not in Greece.)
Is there a question you wish I had asked you?
Yes, about my favorite coffee shops because I am a coffee girl! My two
favorites are CommonWealth and 5 Points. It took me a long time to find 5
Spot on! This is Kelly Roush: kind and authentic!!