News Roundup June 30, 2022

Two fun and promising festivals are starting in a few days: The Cactus Pear Music Festival and the Cinefestival San Antonio, the former devoted to chamber music, and the latter to original Latinx films. Both start on July 6. This year will be CPMF’s 26th summer season, and the final one for founder and long-time artistic director – and former …

Poets Respond to the Uvalde Tragedy, Part 4

Hollow: A Spent Shell SpeaksBu Marla Dial Moore I wasn’t meant for you,            my little one.Had I the power, I’d have            stopped in my tracks,     flown backknowing I was once like you,            pulsing with potential                        to build bridges,                                    stitch wounds,                        grace paintings.Both of us untempered, easily shaped,our purpose unknown but unfolding.I came cheap —but you were dear. I …

News Roundup, June 24, 2022

The official dissolution of the San Antonio Symphony has concluded nearly a year of unsuccessful would-be negotiations between the SAS management and the musicians, and brought the 82-year history of the organization to a sad end. “By unanimous vote, the Board has initiated the requisite steps to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy,” said the official SAS statement. “The assets of …

Poet & Arts Leader, Rosemary Catacalos Lost Her Battle with Cancer

BY JASMINA WELLIGHOFF, Editor When I interviewed Rosemary Catacalos some years ago when she was the executive director of Gemini Ink, one thing repeatedly came up in the conversation: her concern for the community. In that article I wrote: “Whether she is talking about personal memories or the goals of the literary center she’s led for the past four years, …

Poets Respond to the Uvalde Tragedy, Part 3

BethlehemBy Jonathan Fletcher When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi,he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehemand its vicinity who were two years old and under,in accordance with the time from the Magi.                                                        The Gospel of Matthew 2:16 (NIV) I’m tired of your thoughts and prayers, the massacresof innocents. …

News Roundup, June 16, 2022

We told you last week about the interesting music festival, Forbidden & Forgotten produced by the Classical Music Institute. The name refers to works by composers who were either ignored (mostly We women) or composed music that the people in power did not approve of. The concert series continues this weekend with Forbidden Exiles, featuring the music of Paul Hindemith, …

News Roundup, June 9, 2022

Just as the Musicians of the San Antonio Symphony (MOSAS) wrapped up their short “season” at the First Baptist Church of San Antonio, the Classical Music Institute San Antonio is starting its series of concerts presented under the title, “Forbidden & Forgotten.”  That title refers to composers whose works have been either ignored or have provoked governmental authorities. The opening …