By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor Please define the role and goals of the San Antonio Conservation Society.The purpose for which the San Antonio Conservation Society was formed was to preserve and to encourage the preservation of historic buildings, objects, places and customs relating to the history of Texas, its natural beauty and all that is distinctive to our state. And, to …
Aren’t you glad the holidays are over and we can return to normal life? So, let’s see what’s happening in the arts in the coming days. Music from St. Mark’s will present Arts Lyrica Houston this coming Sunday. The ensemble’s program is titled “Fugal Games” featuring Baroque works by G.P. Telemann, and excerpts from Bach’s “Art of the Fugue,” as …
By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor When we interviewed actor/director and all-round thespian, Jimmy Moore, back in 2021, he said he couldn’t be happier to be back in San Antonio after years of pursuing theater opportunities elsewhere.He was thrilled to be invited to helm the Classic Theater of San Antonio as its new artistic director.“I Have been wanting to get back to …
Here we are, in the new year! The arts scene is still a bit slow as everyone is recovering from the“holiday-ing.” But there are events to look forward to. If you are missing symphonic music, you only have to drive to Kerrville to enjoy “Pops and Popcorn: A Night at the Movies,” a concert of film music performed by the …