Hidden Histories Focus on Less-known Aspects of San Antonio’s Past

By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor — As time and history march forward, a lot of events, efforts, and changes end up forgotten, relegated to dusty files in seldom used archives or in sketchy notes and documents that are sometimes discovered decades later by a new generation. One organization in San Antonio that’s been trying to preserve those “hidden histories” on the …

Life in the Time of COVID-19, Part 19

Jim Lavilla-Havelin’s short and to-the-point poem is a wise little fable. Its companion here is Lucia LaVilla-Havelin’s delightful piece “Look Skyward” (hand-embroidered cotton floss on linen, vintage postcard). The rabbits don’t see it but danger is chasing them…. Run Rabbit: A Cautionary and Prepositional Tale for School Administrators        By Jim LaVilla-Havelin               Fox, blood-mouthed, slinks               out from under after               feasting …

New Exhibit at Bihl Haus, URBAN-15’s Best Hidden Histories… News Roundup, Aug. 13, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic may be on everyone’s mind, but the climate change issue is still the big crisis coming our way even if temporarily forgotten, it seems. The new exhibit at Bihl Haus Arts, Hot Pursuit: A Visual Commentary on Climate Change, featuring the work of artist Sabra Booth, is here to remind us. The show opens online Aug. 15 …

Life in the Time of COVID-19, Part 17

Rod Carlos Rodriguez , whose poem is featured today, is the founder of the Sun Poet’s Society, San Antonio’s longest running weekly open-mic poetry reading. He is the author of three poetry collections, including his most recent, “Native Instincts” and the poetry editor of Ocotillo Review published by Kallisto Gaia Press. The adjoining image requires no explanation. Like Rod’s poem, …

Theaters Announce Seasons, New Exhibits… News Roundup, Aug. 6, 2020

Under normal circumstances, arts organizations announce their upcoming seasons in the spring, but COVID-19 has changed that, together with a whole spectrum of other plans and practices. Some companies have outright cancelled the entire fall part of their 2020-21 season, but two of our busiest theaters have found creative and feasible ways to proceed doing what they do best – …