News Roundup, Sept. 1, 2022

In the coming days, San Antonio will celebrate the World Heritage Festival that honors and commemorates UNESCO’s designation of the historic Spanish Missions as a World Heritage Site. All cities in the world that are also blessed with this coveted designation are urged by the global Organization of World Heritage Cities, to protect and promote their respective sites. The first …

News Roundup, Aug. 18, 2022

The classical music scene is rather quiet at this time of the year, but the Olmos Ensemble tries to fill the void. It starts its season with three August concerts, the second of which will take place Sunday at their performing home, The Laurel Heights United Methodist Church. Dubbed “Treasures of the Baroque,” the program includes the big stars of …

JUBILEE Exhibition Celebrates MBAW’s 25th Anniversary

By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor While Musical Bridges Around the World is primarily known as a music organization that brings international musicians to San Antonio, it also has an art gallery that has attracted attention in its own right. Launched in 2013 with an exhibit of artist Rex Hausmann’s work, it has been going strong ever since, though the pandemic imposed …

The Classic Theater is Back in the Game

By JASMINA WELLINGHOFF, Editor Though we haven’t been hearing much from the Classic Theater lately, the staff and the new producing Artistic Director, J. Robert “Jimmy” Moore, have been busy. Since the Classic vacated its former premises in the Woodlawn Theater Building when the pandemic discouraged gatherings in tight spaces, the first thing on the agenda was to find a …

NEWS ROUNDUP, Aug. 5, 2022

Festivals, festivals, everywhere! Right now, the San Antonio Film Festival is in full swing at the Radius Center, downtown. And it’s a pretty big thing! Its mission statement says, in part, that the fest’s goal is “to serve as an accessible and inclusive platform for artists in the category of cinema and provide cinematic culture to a diverse audience. The …

News Roundup, July 28, 2022

The two music festivals we told you about in the last two NEWS ROUNDUPs are resuming this weekend. The Mozart Festival will present its second concert on Sunday, featuring the Artisan Quartet performing works by Mozart, Hugo Wolf, and Tchaikovsky. When we asked festival founder and conductor, Terence Frazor, about the inclusion of Tchaikovsky in a festival devoted to Mozart’s …