Life in the Time of Covid-19, Part 21

Folk and Country singer/songwriter John Prine died from complications of COVID-19 in April. San Antonio poet Fernando Flores wrote the poem we are publishing today as a tribute to Prine who had been a great influence on him in his youth. Fernando also created the digital photo collage featuring him and Prine in their younger years.

Dear John (Prine)
By Fernando Flores

There’s a pink moon in the eastern sky
& John Prine’s died
Coronavirus took a titan toll this night
Stole his breath stilled his voice
The world fallen in a dark place
His words shining their odd light
Down a deep abyss

John—I didn’t know you
But your songs spoke a real truth
With folksy humor & a bit bizarre
Unordinary folks like me
Completely understood

I was living hand-to-mouth in those days
Studying for a degree
I had some talent but no real heart for
I was plucking notes
Mimicking your modes
On my old six string Yamaha
Found I could carry a tune
Without the natural twang
Fancying myself a songwriter-poet
Thinking I might have a chance like you
A mailman from Illinois

You sang emptiness loneliness despair
Things I was acquainted with
I couldn’t fathom how at 22 you
Could write a tune about growing old
Saying Hello in there
But having witnessed how age & time
Can ravage those you love
I knew where you were coming from

Your style was sheer Americana–never quite mainstream
More like someone way on the inside looking out
But having lived the life you did
You sang reality in surreal terms
& I was hooked upon the simple poetry in your words

Years later teaching ESL in junior high
To my Mexican kids using your songs
 It’s a Big Old Goofy World
& Onomatopoeia to help them understand the nuances
We sang we clapped we laughed I hit replay
Got the point across you won the day

Your face so uncannily familiar
You looked more like us
Ojos estirados narrow eyes
Dark full mustache
Much like my Tío Beto
Who fought in the Korean War
We still don’t know what for
You told us so much more about our lives
I could relate with no great compromise
You’d have been a perfect fit in our familia

Cancer & a bad lung couldn’t bring you down
You kept singing through it all
So do one more for the road
Lift one from the soul
& let it go
Make it like you always did
Life never gets any easier
Just so people know
Like an Angel from Montgomery

“To believe in this living
Is just a hard way to go”


  1. Such a beautiful tribute. Amazing💕

  2. A beautiful tribute. Prine is smiling up above. Beautiful poem my friend straight from the heart.

  3. For some reason John Prine strayed from my radar. However, I saw him perform in various media in his later years. Fernando’s poem brought him back into my radar. I’ll always think of John Prine and Fernando Flores whenever there’s a pink moon.

  4. An elegant elegiac poem that reaches deep into the heart and years, to remember and keep alive by speaking about music and the manner in which John Prine influenced him to a such degree that Fernando used his music and lyrics to teach words, music to his class.
    Fernando’s poem will help keep John Prine’s memory alive for the next generation.

  5. I want to thank you for this tribute poem which made those long ago days appear with the clarity of today. John Prine labored many years in the music industry and always kept true to his vision. Fernando Esteban Flores is a San Antonio poetic treasure. He has influenced many students young and old to explore and embrace poetry. Fernando is also one of the founders of Voces Cósmicas poetry group. Your readers can check out Fernando’s website for a better look at this gifted poet.

  6. I can see the resemblance in the two photos! Love the poem, and especially like the image of Fernando sharing John Prine’s music with the middle school kids. This poem comes as no surprise; you won’t find another artist so willing to show his love and support for others, whether it’s for kids, friends, or fellow artists.

  7. Beautiful tribute from a poet who even after retiring from teaching in the school system still continues to influence other poets whether established or starting out… Fernando has made an impact in the San Antonio community on all levels there is no age limit or walks of life.

  8. Thanks to each one of you for your comments. Check out John Prine’s music. You won’t be disappointed–Fernando

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