Life in the Time of COVID-19, Part 37
This lyrical poem, “Milkweed” is by Denver-based poet and Presbyterian pastor Dana Hughes. “Next year, hope shall grow,” she says, and we share that feeling, we all do.

By Dana Hughes
Along the dry creek bed
where the cottonwoods
have purged their branches
down to the last trembling
certitude of spring with
its lush belief that
normal would return,
where October’s wind
has heaped the litter
into rattling mounds,
then changed direction
to sweep them further
in the empty stream,
stalks of milkweed stand
laden with pods split
end to end; seeds born
aloft on gossamer sails
that carry them until
the wind holds its
breath for a moment;
and they alight on a patch
of honest dirt in the lee
of a log, or catch in
a bit of possum scat to
settle themselves for the winter.
Next year, hope shall grow.
Beautiful words painting pictures…..
wonderful poem… In vermont where the seeds also cast away and sprout hope..Ginger
Beautiful, as always, Dana.
“The lush belief that normal would return.” Beautiful poem ! “Next year, hope shall grow” Perfect poem for the end of the year.
Like the wind, we are holding our breath. For a moment.
Praise the Lord for honest lees.
Beautiful words.
HOPE DOES SPRING ETERNAL IN MY HEART:~) Nature reinforces that truth every day!