News Roundup, Feb. 10, 2022
You would think that arts organization would have lots of special events planned for Valentine’s Day weekend but that is not the case. Valentine’s “special events” are all about dining-and-wining, and, maybe some cheek-to-cheek dancing.
One promising concert, Il Divo, smartly scheduled for Valentine’s Day at the Tobin Center, had to be postponed due to “a scheduling conflict.”
So, if you would like to engage in dining-and-wining while also enjoying entertaining performances, we have found a few for you.
For laughs, you can’t do better than to check out “The Diaries of Adam and Eve” (by Mark Twain) Yes, Twain did write such a book, which is considered a fine example of his wit. But it is the wit of a contemporary San Antonian, Damian Gillen, that will make you laugh if you attend his dinner-theater hilarious rendition of the “Diaries.” In this version, Twain and his wife Olivia narrate the Garden of Eden story, “deciphering the newly discovered diaries of the legendary father and mother of the human race.” A solo performer, Gillen is known for playing all the roles and voices in his comedic performances. (Feb.11-12, doors open at 6 p.m.; the Big Apple Room at Little Italy, 824 Afterglow, 78216; $35 dinner & show combo; $40 at the door; 210-646-4284; for info contact

You can expect more laughs if you go to see “The Great American Trailer Park Christmas Musical at the Circle Arts Theatre in New Braunfels. The action takes place at holiday time in “Armadillo Acres,” a premier mobile-living community in Florida. The reviewer for Broadway World Houston, said: “Everything about this production works to bring out hearty guffaws from beginning to end.” (Circle Arts Theatre, 124 Elizabeth St., 78130; every day through Feb. 20 at 7 :30 p.m.; $25; 830-837-6172,,
And who can resist Russell Peters, a master of the craft, who will own the stage and have the audience howling with laughter ten minutes into the show. (Feb. 11 at 8 p.m.; Majestic Theater, 224 E. Houston; tickets $39.75 – $199.75; Box office 210-226-3333,
For some lively music this weekend, visit the Thirsty Horse Hall & Saloon where David Lee Garza y Los Musicales will play this Sunday & Monday. Ram Herrera, Lisa Mar, Gabe Garcia and other popular musicians will also perform. (Thirsty Horse Hall & Saloon, 2335 NW Military Hwy, 78231; Feb 13 at 9 p.m., Feb. 14 at 2 p.m.)

Candlelight & Jazz with the Billy Ray Sheppard Band is also scheduled for two days at the Noble Lounge in Cibolo. (Feb. 12 at 8 p.m., and Feb. 13 at 1 p.m.; 2035 S. Main St., Cibolo, TX 78108; $15; 210-478-2444)
For a relaxed evening out, consider Sips and Sounds of the West” at the Briscoe Museum’s outdoor Sculpture Garden. Music will be provided by Clint Tomerlin and his Band. (Friday, Feb.11 at 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W. Market St.; $5 -$15; food available for purchase; 210-299-4499,; for info about the musicians go to
The duo of songwriter MC Taylor and instrumentalist Scott Hirsch will play jazz, rock, country and blues, at the Paper Tiger this Friday. (Feb.11 at 8 p.m.; Paper Tiger, 2410 N. St. Mary’s St., $20-$25,

Also on Friday, Artpace is sponsoring aValentine’s Day Pop-Up Market featuring a range of vendors including Masa Ruda, Flower Friends, Carly Garza, That Cookie Tho, Ursula Zavala, Pink House Beads and others. While you are there, you can also visit the current exhibitions. The day starts with coffee and doughnuts at the morning mixer, from 8 – 10a.m. All is free and open to the public. (Artpace 445 N. Main Ave., 78205; 210-212-4900;
The Woodlawn Theater has a sort of Valentine’s Day event, too: a brunch and open-air performance at the Deco Pizzeria on Saturday. That’s outside on the restaurant’s patio. Attendees will enjoy performances by the cast of “Hair Spray,” the musical that will open the 2022 season in March. (Feb. 12 at noon; $30 per person, seating at separate tables;; 210-267-8388)
And there will be great classical music this weekend, too, thanks to YOSA, the Youth Orchestras of San Antonio, that will perform its Winter Showcase at the Tobin Center. Three of YOSA’s multiple ensembles – YOSA Symphony, YOSA Wind Ensemble and YOSA Percussion Ensemble – will be joined by professional adult musicians of the Olmos Ensemble as special guests. No info on what they will be playing. (Sunday, Feb. 13 at 3 p.m.; Tobin Center, 100 Auditorium Circle; free admission; 210-223-8624)
The Carver Community Cultural Center continues to present special events in celebration of Black History Month. The upcoming program, “Living in My Skin” features black men from San Antonio telling their stories. This will be an in-person screening of the locally produced documentary, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Brandon Logan, the executive producer of the film. Panelists include Leroy Adams, Cary Clack, Carey Latimore and assistant city manager David McCary. The documentary will be airing on KLRN throughout the month although dates were not given. (Feb. 15, 6-8 p.m.; Jo Long Theater, Carver Center, 226-N. Hackberry; 210-207-7211)

San Antonio Museum of Art’s “Wendy Red Star: A Scratch on the Earth” exhibit officially opens Friday, Feb. 11. Wendy Red Star is a native American artist who draws on her cultural roots in her art that explores personal and collective identity. We’ll tell you more soon. The museum will also host a Valentine’s Market, Sat. Feb. 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 E. Jones Ave., through May 8; 210-978-8140,
The women artists of GAGA are having a group exhibit, “A Look Inside” at the Kerr Arts and Cultural Center in Kerrville. The project began during the COVID-induced lockdown period as an online quarterly featuring GAGA members’ artwork. The current exhibit, which opened Feb.10, features the work of 16 GAGA members. Founded by Sylvia Benitez in 2010, GAGA – the Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association – has tripled in size over the years and includes many well-known artists. The current exhibit features artwork by Lyn Belisle, Lesta Frank, Paula Sussman, Barbara Felix, Norma Jean Moore, Dona Le Crone Walston, and others.
Gemini Ink, San Antonio’s Writing Arts Center just announced its upcoming spring classes to be taught by distinguished authors, including playwright and novelist William Jack Sibley; poet Veronica Golos; teacher and screenwriter Amie Charney; poet Edward Vidaurre; novelist Johnnie Bernhard and others. To register online go to or call 210-734-9673. A discount is offered throughout the month of February. Some classes will be offered via Zoom.

Texas A&M San Antonio (TAMUSA) has issued an open call for artists who are interested in working on a campus mural that that will “foster dialogue between the university and the community, and reflect the school’s diversity. Apply by Feb.1 at
AND THEN… there’s the RODEO! Not exactly an arts event but there are lots of singers and musicians who come to town for the occasion. The big name this weekend is Tanya Tucker (Remember “Delta Dawn”?)who will perform Sunday at the AT&T Center. (Feb.13 at 7 p.m.; 1 AT&T Center Parkway; tickets $20-$45; Others coming up are Lady A, Brad Paisley, Ludacris, Midland, and a few others.
Thanks for all the great news in the Roundup – especially the GAGA Exhibit in Kerrville Exhibit!
You’re the best at keeping us informed.