Poets Respond to the Uvalde Tragedy, Part 16

By James R. Adair

When will we decide we love our children
more than we love our guns?

When will we decide to feed the hungry
instead of watching them die?

When will we decide to house the homeless
instead of arresting them?

When will we decide to treat the sick
instead of forcing them into bankruptcy?

When will we decide to educate our students
without forcing them to mortgage their futures?

When will we decide that the poor
are people too?

When will we decide to love our neighbor – all our neighbors –
as much as we love ourselves?



  1. Sad, Jmmy, We never seem to answer these questions. Nicely expressed. Reminds me of poet Bob Dylan:

    How many deaths will it take ‘til we learn
    That too many people have died?
    The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind
    The answer is blowing in the wind

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