Life in the Time of COVID-19, Part 10

Today we are featuring an exquisite poem by San Antonio poet Mobi Warren and an equally exquisite mixed-media assemblage with earthenware, “Santuario” by Lyn Belisle Kurtin.

Shell-ter in Place
a poem written during pandemic

Her body a tidy brush
bristled black and ginger,
the bicolor mason bee
pats a loaf of bee bread
safe within a shell’s spiral,
provision for her progeny.

Shell-ter in Place she whispers
to the egg in her snail shell nest.

In this season of fear
turn to the bee.
Spiral inward to knead
a loaf of solace.
Tuck it in your heart.
Protect an egg that is worthy.

There will be
a new world to build.

            Mobi Warren


  1. Beautiful! Thanks so much for posting this.

  2. Thanks, Mobi for reminding us to protect and cherish what we wish to carry with us into the unknowable, new world which awaits.

  3. Beautiful, thank you, so comforting

  4. What an honor to share a page with Mobi! Thank you ~ Lyn

  5. Great combo!🌻Laura

  6. And what an honor to share a page with Lyn! I love your “Sanctuario” piece.

  7. Spiral inward to knead a loaf of solace. – I do feel the need for efforting and for resting and to feel the difference

    Protect an egg that is worthy – this reminds me how the egg, is always the beginning, until its shell is broken, then
    there is a new beginning.
    thanks, your poem touched me in these ways and more.

  8. You captured this time perfectly, Mobi, as one of gestation. We’re both the egg and the caregiver. Thank you and Lyn both!

  9. Both the poem and the art remind us to observe and treasure tiny beauties. Inspired work by both artists.

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